X'ander Darling Joy |
06.04.2023 |
Selesta's Dreams Shimmer My Darling Joy x Fantastic Lady Darling Joy |
Кобель |
X'trail Darling Joy |
06.04.2023 |
Selesta's Dreams Shimmer My Darling Joy x Fantastic Lady Darling Joy |
Кобель |
X'aveliy Darling Joy |
06.04.2023 |
Selesta's Dreams Shimmer My Darling Joy x Fantastic Lady Darling Joy |
Кобель |
X'imon Darling Joy |
06.04.2023 |
Selesta's Dreams Shimmer My Darling Joy x Fantastic Lady Darling Joy |
Кобель |
X'enia Darling Joy |
06.04.2023 |
Selesta's Dreams Shimmer My Darling Joy x Fantastic Lady Darling Joy |
Сука |
X'andra Darling Joy |
06.04.2023 |
Selesta's Dreams Shimmer My Darling Joy x Fantastic Lady Darling Joy |
Сука |
Xlnt Love Matters, SE37119/2022 |
00.00.2022 |
Фанта'с Брэнд Каптейн Америка x Satin Glow Krolewska Zgraja |
Сука |
Xlnt Easy Peasy, SE16768/2021 |
11.01.2021 |
K-Run Riverview Look'n For Trouble x Xlnt Teasy Does It |
Сука |
Xavierra Darling Joy, UKU.0433998 |
25.08.2019 |
Hulk Hogan La Casa Demiani x Fantastic Lady Darling Joy |
Сука |
Ximena Darling Joy |
25.08.2019 |
Hulk Hogan La Casa Demiani x Fantastic Lady Darling Joy |
Сука |
Xlnt Sloppy Joe, SE50464/2019 |
11.08.2019 |
Sweet Courage Apollo x Xlnt United With Magic |
Кобель |
Xlnt Gold Prospect, SE56683/2017 |
24.10.2017 |
Symposions Coffee At Starbucks x Xlnt Teasy Does It |
Кобель |
Xlnt Zaire, SE 49588/2016 |
18.08.2016 |
Tashwoulds Chocolate Effect x Xlnt Pretty At The Premiere |
Сука |
Xlnt Teasy Does It, SE41794/2015 |
16.06.2015 |
Altajara Look But Don’t Touch x Xlnt Little Gold Mine |
Сука |
Xjaxx Valentino Of Grant's Garden, OHZB/BG 4403 |
22.09.2011 |
Ob-La-Di’s Flying Jacob Ellehammer x Coco Chanel Of Grant's Garden |
Кобель |
Int.CH CIB/CIE, Aut.Ch Aut.J.Ch, Bundessiger Aut, Karawanken winner'14 |
Xjaxx Gucci Of Grant's Garden, OHZB/BG 4406 |
22.09.2011 |
Ob-La-Di’s Flying Jacob Ellehammer x Coco Chanel Of Grant's Garden |
Сука |
Int.CH CIB/CIE, Aut.Ch Aut.J.Ch Aut.GrandCh., Slo.Ch Karawanken winner , Bundessiger Aut'12, ABC Gold Winner 2014 & 2015 |
Xarxa Tergy, CLP/BEA 6709 |
20.02.2011 |
Quick Step Tergy x Optima Tergy |
Сука |
Xara Esflores, PKR.VI-15954 |
03.07.2010 |
God Father Catulus x Duma Simpatica PS |
Сука |
X-Man Randavica, SPKP 1544 |
05.02.2010 |
Кара Урус Наугчти Форест Винд x Ice Chocolate Weinlinie |
Кобель |
Xando Xandrina, PKR.VI-14276 |
17.09.2009 |
Beagelee Blackjack x Starbuck Torbay Smoke Ring |
Кобель |
Xfiles ter Elst, LOSH 835850 |
30.10.1998 |
Skyline's Gremlin of Meadow Crest x Buttermere Taffata |
Кобель |
Club.Ch Slo, Club Winner '00, '01, Cze.Ch, Slo.Ch |
Xantos Tergy, CLP/ BEA/ 1131/ 97 |
21.06.1997 |
Tobby Het Hulterhof x Ginna Tergy |
Кобель |
Int.CH, Cze.Ch, Ger.Ch, J.Cze.Ch |
Xandy Tergy, CLP/BEA 1133/98 |
21.06.1997 |
Tobby Het Hulterhof x Ginna Tergy |
Сука |
Int.CH, Club.Ch CZ, Aut.Ch, Cze.Ch, Ger.Ch VDH, ... |
Xilly Blyskavica, CLP/BEA/478/95 |
19.03.1995 |
Will Murphy of Justine's Pack x Alina Ludmanka |
Сука |
Xailo Het Hulterhof, LOSH 834949 / CLP/BEA/1846 |
00.00.0000 |
Dialynne Bryony At Kybo x Charterwood Tiffin |
Кобель |
Int.CH, Cze.Ch, Svk.Ch, J.Slo.Ch |